Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, take a look at these 16 cartoons and their counterparts.
1. The Tweetie lady. Aww. I bet she has a little canary.

via blaze press
2. Velma from ScoobyDoo, putting away bad guys with those other meddlesome kids.

via viralvery
3. They're real!!!
Now, I realize that these are not human, but COME ON! It's awesome.

via ballin on a budget
4. Andrew Pickles from Rug Rats
5. Omg, the charming street rat is real! Aladdin.

via the berry
6. Okay I realize that she's dressed up as Belle, which helps, but still...

via becuo
7. Lady Gaga is the witch in Snow White! Who knew!

via asiantown
8. Okay...this is really good.

via i0.wp
9. Johnny Bravo - look how pretty I am.
via super funny images
10. Queen Elsa. This girl actually has made a bit of a career out of this similarity, so that's pretty awesome.

via instagram/anna faith xoxo
11. This is perhaps the cutest doppelganger ever. It's Edna Mode from The Incredibles!

via nerd out with me
12. Bobby from King Of The Hill. This kid totally looks like he would have the same voice too.

via viralands
via the berry
13. Bob Parr (or, Mr. Incredible) works in an office near you.

via singapore informer
14. Princess Fiona never looked so good.

via nine fine stuff
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