They always say that winter is the most wonderful time of the year, but in my humble opinion, it gets old fast. Wintertime is cold. It's snowy. My feet freeze. My hair is always staticky. And my car is never, ever happy. From November until early March, I just can't win.
At least there are these 21 life hacks that will help get us through winter.
1. Stuck in the snow? Use kitty litter

via Approval Genie
Shovel the snow around your tires and liberally sprinkle with kitty litter for better traction.
2. Give your shoes better traction with screws

via Through a Running Lens
Follow the directions available here.
3. No scraper? Use an old CD instead

via Mufflers and More
CDs work in a pinch!
4. Use bubble wrap to help insulate your windows

via From Frantic To Fabulous
A cheap DIY way to keep your home warmer during the winter months.
5. Use your slow cooker to make hot chocolate for the entire family

via Mrs Happy Homemaker
There's no sweeter wintertime treat than hot chocolate!
6. Repurpose your old sweaters into mittens

via A Beautiful Mess
Instructions available here.
7. Warm up your toilet seat with socks

via imgur
8. Use pool noodles to prop your boots up

via The Yooper Girl
Just trim them down to size to avoid your boots falling over and creasing.
9. Use a razor to remove the pills from your sweaters

via Mommysavers
10. Spray your shovel with non-stick cooking oil before shoveling

via Coconut Oil Cooking
The snow will glide right off your shovel and cut down on your work.
11. Don't have water-proof shoes? Use plastic bags as liners

via Guthook Hikes
Your dry feet will thank you.
12. Clean off your UGG boots with water and vinegar

via Thriving Home
Don't fret! They're not ruined. Just use a mixture of water and vinegar to scrub the salt away.
13. Give your bike some DIY snow tires

via lifehacker
Attach zip-ties between the spokes of your bike for improved traction.
14. Beat the cold with a DIY "Snuggie"

via instructables / scoochmaroo
Instructions available here.
15. Thaw a frozen lock with a lighter and a key

via Martha Stewart
You might have to try it a few times until it works.
16. Set your ceiling fan in reverse for the winter months

via imgur
Put it on the low setting on reverse (clockwise) during winter to help re-circulate the warmer air that gets trapped near the ceiling.
17. Keep a spare pair of socks in your car's glove compartment

via Odometer
You never know when you might step in a slush puddle, or if you need to slip socks over your windshield wipers to protect them from the snow or frost.
18. Use a dryer sheet to tame your staticky hair

via Fashion Lady
19. Parking outdoors overnight? Face your car in the direction of the sun

via The Sun
The sun will help melt the frost or snow so you can get on with your day.
20. Keep your feet warm with DIY liners

via maya*made
Put your leftover felt to good use!
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